Many thanks to Katie at Equine Professionals Club for running this featured article on Kim and her “heart horse”, Reno. Katie and Kim met while in Wellington, where Kim learned of the EPC platform, which offers equestrians access to regional equine industry professional riders and service providers.
Check out the article below, and please visit their platform

An Interview with Kim Herslow Dressage
Oftentimes horse owners and riders talk about their “heart horse”, who they love, connect or enjoy riding the most. For some that is their first horse, some their 2nd, 3rd, 4th, etc.. Some may even call multiple horses their “heart horse”.
Let’s face it, as a horse person and animal lover we all have big hearts. Did you ever wonder what makes that horse your “heart horse”? Maybe that horse is not determined by how much love we have for them, but how blessed we are to have a horse with that much love for us.
Kim Herslow’s “heart horse”, Rosmarin (aka “Reno”), had so much try, effort, and love for Kim. Although their journey together wasn’t nearly as long as they both would have hoped, Reno took Kim to the stars in 2015 with multiple personal bests to win Gold on the Pan American Games Dressage Team.